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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

An Ode To Rainy Days

"The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving."- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Alone on a rainy evening


Awake enough to sit on the windowsill of my hospital room.

watching the people four stories below,

Longing to be amongst them.

A woman dashes out of a building across the street and gets into a cab, soaking wet from the raindrops she couldn't dodge.

A man steps into a puddle.

Counting the number of black umbrellas..

Interesting how some of them react.

Some don't seem to notice the rain.

Others prefer the warmer, brighter, alternative.

The existential moment that follows the experience.

When your life is saved.

To breathe another breath.

To take another step.

To dance in the puddles during a rainstorm.

A new appreciation.

A realization that,

The raindrops falling on your skin during a storm,

Are a privilege. 

I had to write an ode for my literacy class in school. Running low on ideas, I took an excerpt from my post "RND. My Story, About My Pain, Through my eyes" and I changed it around enough to make it into an ode!
I'm not really a big fan of it. In fact I think that it is a bit mediocre but I do hope that you appreciate and perhaps even like it.

Song of the day: It's all understood- Jack Johnson 

Meliora :)


  1. That was sweet. I can only partially understand, but I hope you know that I agree, the rain is a privilege and something we can drown in or dance under.

  2. Love this, and I think it's perfect!

