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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Positive Vibes

"The only limitations you have in life are the ones you put upon yourself." -Unknown

These pictures sum up my mood this week. :)

I'm in a bit of pain. So what? Why should I let it weigh me down?
I have so much ahead of me in life.
There is no way I am going to let this pain define who I am.
I've been down that road before, & there's no way I'm ever going back.
I'm done with having my life revolve around my pain.
I need to focus on nothing but the positive.
I will not let something as pernicious as RND run the way I live my life.

Song(s) of the day:
On top of the world -Imagine Dragons

Meliora :)

Though it may seem childish, I'm going to personify my pain a bit for a moment.
To my RND,


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